Interim Working Group on Robust Information
In April 2024, RIfS organized an expert meeting on Robustness of Climate Change Information for Decisions [read more here], to address this issue:
When sources of climate change information do not agree or are misaligned to decision contexts, there is a lack of consensus on how to resolve these two problems to inform local-to-regional decision-making that leads to consequences.
A new interim working group (IWG) has been constituted under RIfS to facilitate the development of new initiatives, and RIfS has allocated budget to support their activities. Its remit includes developing relevant publications and reference materials, building new collaboration across the silo’d communities, and facilitating and coordinating new research with regional teams.

A range of topics were identified as in urgent need of deeper attention. These include (among others) context sensitive metrics, ethical dimensions of information transparency and accountability, cross community collaboration, defining “robustness”, and guidance and standards for information.
The IWG is tasked to:
- Outline and propose to the RIfS SSG the possible scope, terms of reference, and initial priorities of the IWG;
- Develop a suggested structure of initial task groups for developing relevant near term activities and long term directions;
- Identify needed additional capacity for the IWG and to co-opt and/or develop a process for (self-)nominations for such capacity as are needed;
- Assess any budget needs for the initial IWG activities.
Douglas Maraun |
Co-chair |
University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change |
Genito Maure |
Co-chair |
Eduardo Mondlane University |
Monica Morrison |
Co-chair |
Arona Diedhiou |
Member |
IRD – University Felix Houphouet Boigny |
Rachel James |
Member |
University of Bristol |
Richard Jones |
Member |
UK Met Office Hadley Centre |
Lucy Mtilatila |
Member |
Malawi Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services |
Alessandro Dosio |
Member (and RIfS SSG) |
European Commission Joint Research Centre |
Luke Harrington |
Member (and RIfS SSG) |
University of Waikato |
Wendy Sharples |
Member (and RIfS SSG) |
Australian Bureau of Meteorology |
Bruce Hewitson |
Ex-officio, RIfS SSG co-chair |
University of Cape Town |
Please direct your questions to any IWG member, or the RIfS IPO: